Interface Transport

Interface representing a bidirectional transport.

There may be several implementations, but typically, the user does not implement new transports; rather, the platform provides some useful transports that are implemented using the platform's best practices.

The user never instantiates a transport directly; they call a utility function, passing it a protocol factory and other information necessary to create the transport and protocol. (E.g. EventLoop.createConnection() or EventLoop.createServer().)

The utility function will asynchronously create a transport and a protocol and hook them up by calling the protocol's connectionMade() method, passing it the transport.

Inherits from


Name Description
abort Close the transport immediately, without waiting for pending operations to complete.
close Close the transport.
getExtraInfo Get optional transport information.
getWriteBufferLimits Get the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.
pauseReading Pause the receiving end.
resumeReading Resume the receiving end.
setWriteBufferLimits Set the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.
write Write some data bytes to the transport.
writeEof Close the write end of the transport after flushing buffered data.


Dragos Carp


© 2015-2016 Dragos Carp


Boost Software License - Version 1.0